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By  Alyssa Cormier     11:51 PM    Labels:,,, 

It hurt. As if someone had cut away pieces of her body. Without her gnomes, her caretakers, her guardians, she withered.
Dead and bleeding, mere ground and dust.
They were of her, made of the soil and life of the land.
Her soul went into them.
But they had been stolen from her. Ripped from her womb and lured to the surface.
Now they ran in packs like savage beasts, doing the bidding of the one who had cursed them.
Hunting and searching for a prince to devour.
They would not stop until she, Mother Earth, was tainted with his blood.

About Alyssa Cormier

Born in Newfoundland and currently living in Ontario. Alyssa lives with a house full of boys, 3 sons and a husband. She is a Writer, Artist and Artisan. Who, along with running an online shop called The Night Craft, takes custom commissions, and continiously works on her writing.

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